Episode 29 – Big STEM Energy
Hosts: Dr. Jeremy Waisome & Dr. Kyla McMullen
Guest: Dr. Karina Liles
Karina’s Instagram: @DrKLiles
Karina’s Facebook: @Karina.Liles
STEM Truck’s Instagram: @STEMTruck
STEM Truck’s Facebook: @STEMTruck
Description: Dr. Karina Liles is nothing short of amazing. She has been using technology to solve problems from a young age. From teaching colors to her sister at a young age, to being the on-call tech guru for her family and friends, creating clever scripts to get her job done faster, and making video games for her brother, Karina has always been an advocate of using technology to engage others. Currently, as the Chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department Claflin University, an educational consultant, and the creator of the STEM Truck SC, Karina ensures that the next generation of computer scientists are just as excited about computing as she is.
Karina’s Bio: Dr. Karina Liles is a native of Bennettsville, SC in Marlboro County. She is the Chair of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science where she teaches computer science courses. She is the director of the Social Technologies and Robotics (STAR) Lab.
Prior to employment at Claflin University, Dr. Liles taught computer science courses at University of South Carolina. She has also worked for Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), AT&T, and Merrill Lynch as a technology analyst. She has worked at Northeastern Technical College as a Research and Statistical Analyst and adjunct professor. Dr. Liles has also served as a Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) consultant for K-12 school districts and currently owns a STEM Truck, a mobile STEM classroom that visits rural areas and provides STEM resources to students and educators.